Delphi - база знаний


Converting 16bit resource to 32bit

Converting 16bit resource to 32bit

If you have the original source file (.rc) then you can simply recompile the .rc file to a .res file using the Borland Resource Command Line Compiler (brcc32.exe) located in the Delphi/C++ Builders bin directory. If you only have a .res file to work with, you will need to use a quality resource compiler/decompiler such as Borland's Resource Workshop. Versions of the Borland's Resource Workshop later than 4.5 can extract, compile, and decompile both 16 and 32 bit resource files from a variety of sources including .res, .exe, .dll, drv, and .cpl files. The Borland Resource Workshop version 4.5 ship with the Borland RAD Pack product line

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